Koidra Tech

1 - 50 • Hồ Chí Minh

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Tổng quan

Koidra Tech


Founded by Kenneth Tran, formerly a Principal Machine Learning Scientist at Microsoft Research (MSR), Koidra's mission is to change the industrial automation industry, applying cutting edge research in AI, IoT, and hybrid cloud+edge computing.

At Koidra, you'll have an opportunity to work with world experts in Machine Learning and Software Engineering.




  • Backend: GCP, Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Docker, Sentry
  • Frontend: TypeScript, Vue JS, React Native
  • Machine Learning: PyTorch, Pandas, Bayesian Learning, Reinforcement Learning
  • IoT: C++, Arduino, Python, Docker


  • Địa chỉ

  • District 2, Ho Chi Minh, Hồ Chí Minh

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